
Red- er

A sign of a mini stroke?

One of the most random comments

We may need to fight

On the online



Come eat


Out of the corner of your what?

So, you haven't really felt nothing if you haven't felt nothing ???

Sometimes when you are thinking faster than your words can keep up

It has been said a lot, but sometimes words are hard

There is a HUGE difference between escaping and eloping

Tracy falls

The word festival is hard.

Be careful

Should we ask an "outloud" question...and then "would you like a dog bone?


Is the bat back? The back is black? Or the bats are black?

Sometimes words are just plain hard.

The proper use of all the letters in a word is the difference between explaining directions and sounding border line inappropriate

Referencing the above mentioned rule, another good rule is to use the correct words in a sentence in an effort to relay a decent and proper thought

Sometimes team members break into a monologue without really paying attention to what they are saying


Went dead?

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Jennifer showing her vast vocabulary

Oh how we love when people flub words

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